Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Re-dedication Ceremony Rhode Island Monument New Bern National Cemetery

Re Dedication Ceremony
Rhode Island Monument
New Bern National Cemetery
New Bern, North Carolina
October 6, 2019 1:00 p.m.


Welcome and Introduction – Department of North Carolina

1.  Presentation of Colors (Local Boy Scout Troop, N.B. American Legion Color Guard, or SVR unit)

2. Invocation  (Camp #5 Chaplain- from Blue Book or appropriate reading)

3.  Pledge of Allegiance (Camp#5 Patriotic instructor)

4. Star Spangled Banner (Local Honorary)

5. Remarks by Department of Rhode Island  (Scott A. Reese, Commander, Dept. of RI)

6.  Remarks by Department of North Carolina  (A. Bryan Salter, Camp Commander #5)

7.  Roll Call of Departed in New Bern National Cemetery (Peter Meyer, Camp #5 Secretary)

8.  Stories of Rhode Island Veterans  (Scott A. Reese, Commander, Dept. of RI)

9.  Musket Salute?  SVR?

10. Reading of Gubernatorial Proclamation (Scott A. Reese, Department of R. I.)

11. Wreath Laying at Rhode Island Memorial (Department of Rhode Island and North Carolina)

12. Reading: When the Boys in Blue are Gone (Scott A. Reese, Commander, Dept. of R.I.)

13.  Benediction (Camp #5 Chaplain)

14.  Dismissal (Department of North Carolina, A. Bryan Salter, Commander Camp #5)