Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Re-dedication Ceremony Rhode Island Monument New Bern National Cemetery

Re Dedication Ceremony
Rhode Island Monument
New Bern National Cemetery
New Bern, North Carolina
October 6, 2019 1:00 p.m.


Welcome and Introduction – Department of North Carolina

1.  Presentation of Colors (Local Boy Scout Troop, N.B. American Legion Color Guard, or SVR unit)

2. Invocation  (Camp #5 Chaplain- from Blue Book or appropriate reading)

3.  Pledge of Allegiance (Camp#5 Patriotic instructor)

4. Star Spangled Banner (Local Honorary)

5. Remarks by Department of Rhode Island  (Scott A. Reese, Commander, Dept. of RI)

6.  Remarks by Department of North Carolina  (A. Bryan Salter, Camp Commander #5)

7.  Roll Call of Departed in New Bern National Cemetery (Peter Meyer, Camp #5 Secretary)

8.  Stories of Rhode Island Veterans  (Scott A. Reese, Commander, Dept. of RI)

9.  Musket Salute?  SVR?

10. Reading of Gubernatorial Proclamation (Scott A. Reese, Department of R. I.)

11. Wreath Laying at Rhode Island Memorial (Department of Rhode Island and North Carolina)

12. Reading: When the Boys in Blue are Gone (Scott A. Reese, Commander, Dept. of R.I.)

13.  Benediction (Camp #5 Chaplain)

14.  Dismissal (Department of North Carolina, A. Bryan Salter, Commander Camp #5)

Monday, August 19, 2019

2019 National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and Allied Orders was held in Independence, Ohio on August 8-11, 2019.

Commander-in-Chief Norris
2019 Encampment Banquet 

The Encampment was attended by:
Representatives from two Camps were in attendance from the Department of North Carolina.

Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp # 1 Brothers; Counselor Dennis St. Andrew, PDC, and Senior Vice-Commander Jim Johnson.

Major General George Stoneman Camp No. 6 Brother, Henry C. Duquette, Camp Commander.

Allied Orders

Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 Brothers were accompanied by their wives, representing the "Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War" Sisters Denise St. Andrew and Carol  (Johnson) Jutte, DUVCW.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

2018 Encampment - August 11, 2018

"Under Forty Award"

 The Department of North Carolina was the recipient of The Under Forty Award. This award is presented to the Department with the greatest number of new members under age forty (40) during the period 1 April through 31 March. The award is presented by the Commander-in-Chief based upon the information provided within the annual reports received by the National Executive Director no later than 31 May. The award is a certificate signed by Commander-in-Chief Mark R. Day.

"U.S. Grant Cup"

The Department of North Carolina was also the recipient of The U.S. Grant Cup. This award is presented to the Department with the greatest percentage increase in membership during the period 1 April through 31 March. The award is presented by the Commander-in-Chief based upon the information provided within the annual reports received by the National Executive Director no later than 31 May. The award is a streamer for the Department of NC flag, and the departments name will also be inscribed on the permanent plaque at National Headquarters.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Governor's Proclamation: May 5, 2018 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Day

The Department of North Carolina's 11th Annual Encampment was scheduled to held on May 5, 2018.  In advance of the Encampment, Department Commander Dennis St. Andrew requested that Governor Roy Cooper issue a proclamation proclaiming the Encampment date as “Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Day".

On May 2, 2018, Governor Cooper declared May 5, 2018 "Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Day" in North Carolina and commended its observance to all citizens. We thank Governor Roy Cooper for his proclamation in recognition of our Department’s 11th Annual Encampment.

Transcription of Proclamation

WHEREAS, the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) is a fraternal organization dedicated to preserving the history and legacy of Union veterans who served in the American Civil War; and
WHEREAS, organized in 1881, and chartered by the United States Congress in 1954, the SUVCW is the successor of the Grand Army of the Republic, a fraternal organization composed of veterans of the Union Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Revenue Cutter Service who served between April 12, 1861, and April 9, 1865; and
WHEREAS, members of the SUVCW are descendants of Soldiers, Sailors, or Marines who served in the Union Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Revenue Cutter Service between 1861 and 1865; and
WHEREAS, the SUVCW was founded upon the principles of fraternity, charity and loyalty, and participates in honoring all who have patriotically served our country in any war; and
WHEREAS, the SUVCW continues to be represented in our state by the leaders and members of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Department of North Carolina;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim May 5, 2018, as "SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR DAY" in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

Roy Cooper

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Stoneman Camp - Headstone Re-dedication

Stoneman Camp Performs 1917 Headstone Rededication Service in Boone, North Carolina

On a cold and sunny Sunday afternoon on April 8 in the mountains at Boone, North Carolina, 40 people were in attendance when the Brothers of Major General George Stoneman Camp No. 6, Department of North Carolina performed a Headstone Rededication Ceremony.

It was for Privates William T. Bradley, Henry P. Evans and John E. Maricle who died in 1865 in Boone during Stoneman's Raid of 1865. The military headstones had been damaged and stolen, so the Town of Boone and their Historic Preservation Commission replaced the military headstones and asked our Camp to perform this service.

We used the 1917 ceremony, which included the symbols seen on their graves. A member of the DUVCW also participated, and from left to right are Brother Pete Bahuk, Sister Lori Bahuk, Brother Bill Ewalt, Commander Dennis St. Andrews, Brother Ed Reynolds, Brother Robert Crum and Brother Henry Duquette.

Submitted by: Brother Robert Crum

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Stoneman Camp No. 6 - Charter

Stoneman Camp #6 Chartered 12-16-17
Congratulations to Major General George Stoneman Camp No. 6.

On December 16, 2017, the Maj. Gen. George Stoneman Camp No. 6 was presented it's Charter by Department Commander Dennis St. Andrew. Newly elected Officers were installed by Commander-in-Chief Mark Day. Pictured here from left to right are Henry Duquette, Secretary-Treasurer, Dennis St. Andrew, Commander of the Dept. of NC, Robert Crum, Camp Commander, Mark Day, Commander-in-Chief, Bill Ewalt, Sr. Vice Commander, and Wesley Sainz, Jr. Vice Commander.

Submitted By: Brother Robert Crum

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Ruger Camp - National Aide Award 2017

This award is presented by the National Commander-in-Chief, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War to any Brother who recruits (5) five or more members during his term in office. Recipients of this award are recognized in General Orders, and may wear the National Ribbon behind their respective membership badge for a 
Brother Jim Johnson with Brother Dennis St. Andrew DC
period of (12) twelve months.

For this award, Brother Jame R. Johnson recruited (8) eight new members into our Order, and the Ruger Camp----- four under the age of (40) forty and include (2) Junior members.

During the meeting, another member under the age of (40) forty & recruited by Brother Johnson has been added to the Sons and Ruger Camp membership rolls. 

I don’t believe that the importance of recruiting younger members can ever be overstated as they represent the future of our Order, and recruiting family members lets them share and learn the history and heritage of our Union Civil War soldiers and sailors.

Brother Jim Johnson with wife Carol Jutte,
 Daughter of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Brother Jim Johnson's wife Carol Jutte, a member of DUVCW, pinned the National Aide ribbon to Jim's Camp Medal immediately following the Camp Meeting.
Congratulations & Kudos to Brother Jim Johnson for being named a National Aide!

Submitted by:
Brother Dennis St. Andrew
Department Commander